Documentaries & Interviews

There’s nothing better than capturing the live moment to reveal a compelling story, but even reality-based content needs preparation. We have the equipment and experience to set a scene and have everything in place to get that once-in-a-lifetime shot.

Borg Careers & Culture

Borg Manufacturing
The pandemic has meant a huge labour shortage in Borg and its various companies such as Polytec and Crossmuller. We chose to interview a few Borg employees to gain an authentic take on what it is like to work here to encourage others to join the team. We shot the interviews across 3 days at various Borg locations, Somersby and Oberon, and had a list of questions to encourage natural responses. We also spent a few days with the employees and followed them around shooting them at their daily jobs.

Lenovo in Schools

Lenovo wanted to do a case study on how their products were being implemented by high school students and teachers. St Mary's College in Adelaide was chosen because an array of Lenovo products were being used across the board. We wanted to show students using desktop machines in class and highlight the durable laptops they carry to and from school, and from class to class. The teachers used the more portable Yoga product and we wanted to demonstrate their additional mobility around the classroom. Connectivity to each student's interface was also an important aspect of St Mary's choosing Lenovo, so filming a few live classes would allow us to document this properly.

Sheep Breeding Documentary

NSW Department of Education
The NSW Department of Education approached Audience Productions to shoot the documentary video of the 18 month White Suffolk Sheep Breeding program at Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School (MAHS). Following the 8 stages of the sheep breeding program, starting with Sire Selection and culminating in their annual Ram Sale Auction. The final product to be showcased on the Department of Education Animals in Schools portal for teachers and students from other schools to learn about how Farrer achieve their sheep breeding goals.

Careers in Agriculture Documentary

NSW Department of Education
Our task was to create an Agriculture Careers video aimed at high school students to get them to consider the sector as a possible career pathway. Rather than focusing completely on traditional agricultural occupations, we were tasked with exploring non-traditional and upcoming careers that school leavers might not have considered "agricultural". To get the most from our esteemed subjects, we suggested using a journalist to conduct the video interviews. This allowed for a much better stream of authentic answers and information we might otherwise have missed learning.

Raising The Steaks – The Science of Cattle Breeding

NSW Department of Education
"Raising The Steaks – The Science of Cattle Breeding" was the brainchild of Sally Bannerman from NSW Department of Education. While having dinner after our wheat breeding location scout, Sally asked me how many calves I thought a cow could have in a lifetime. I think I said four. Sally informed me she knew of a cow they called W449 who had had 137 calves. I knew immediately we had a great story to tell. With a four-person crew, a six-day shoot and overnight stays in Albury, we shot many interviews and plenty of B-roll footage to help tell it.

Lenovo Activity Based Workplaces

Lenovo wanted to showcase a few companies who were using their products and had adopted (or were about to implement) the Activity Based Workplace model. This was a two-day shoot around various offices in Sydney where we would speak to decision-makers and employees to get testimonial videos and B-roll footage to accompany their insights about ABW and Lenovo. The companies involved were Canon Australia, Microsoft, GE, Woods Bagot and Lenovo – all the big names.

Brewarrina Fish Traps Documentary

Aboriginal Education and Communities Directorate
A meeting was held at the NSW Department of Education offices with members from Aboriginal Education, Technology department and Information and Online Services to brief Audience Productions on all the various elements for this project. This project was a collaboration between the Aboriginal Education department and the Technology department, so it was important that both their requirements were represented during the shoot and in the final product. The idea was to highlight primary students being taught to use a 360-degree camera at an Aboriginal cultural heritage site. It was important to cover the technological aspects as well as the site. As we were travelling to an Aboriginal community in Brewarrina, we were also briefed on cultural specifics in order to respect social practices.